English Vocabulary
Préstamo | Loan | Loan /loʊn/ | |
Principal | Principal | Principal /ˈprɪn sə pəl/ | As in principal balance |
Taxa do xuro | Rate | Rate /reit/ | |
Xuros | Interest | Interest /ˈɪn tər ɪst, -tʃrɪst/ | |
Período | Term | Term /tɜrm/ | |
Duración do préstamo | Loan Period | Loan Period /loʊn//ˈpɪər i əd/ | |
Xuro fixo | Fixed Interest | Fixed Interest /fɪkst//ˈɪn tər ɪst, -tʃrɪst/ | |
Cota | Fee | Fee /fi/ | |
Pagamento | Payment | Payment /ˈpeɪ mənt/ | |
Mensualidade | Instalment | Instalment /ɪnˈstɔl mənt/ | |
Deferir Pagamento | To defer payment | To defer payment /dɪˈfɜr//ˈpeɪ mənt/ | |
Prestamista (cast.) | Lender | Lender /lɛndər/ | |
Solicitante dun préstamo | Borrower | Borrower /ˈbɒr oʊər/ | |
Pedir diñeiro prestado (ou un préstamo) | To borrow money | To borrow money /ˈbɒr oʊ//ˈmʌn i/ | Una expression fija cuando uno pide prestado a una persona de cualquier limite de dinero. Más general que, pero incluyendo, ¨To take out a loan.¨ |
Pedir un préstamo | To take out a loan | To take out a loan /ˈteɪkˌaʊt//loʊn/ | |
Saldo | Balance | Balance /ˈbæl əns/ | Amount of money that has to be paid on a loan/ credit card. |
Investigación de crédito (cast.) | Credit Check | Credit Check /ˈkrɛd ɪt/ tʃɛk/ | En EEUU, cuando solicitando un prestamo o tarjeta de credito verifican como has manejado tu dinero en el pasado. A veces cuando solicitando un trabajo, tambien lo hacen. |
Condonación de débedas | Loan Forgiveness | Loan Forgiveness /loʊn//fərˈgɪv nɪs/ | |
Xuro Acumulado | Accumulated Interest | Accumulated Interest /əˈkyu myəˌleɪtɪd/ /ˈɪn tər ɪst, -tʃrɪst/ | |
Xuro Composto | Compound interest | Compound Interest /ˈkɒm paʊnd /ˈɪn tər ɪst, -tʃrɪst/ | |
Xuro Acumulado | Accrued Interest | Accrued Interest /əˈkrud//ˈɪn tər ɪst, -tʃrɪst/ | |
Taxa de porcentaxe | Percentage Rate | Percentage Rate /pərˈsɛn tɪdʒ//reit/ | |
Hipoteca (cast.) | Mortgage | Mortgage /ˈmɔr gɪdʒ/ | |
Prestamo Subvencionado | Subsidized Loan | Subsidized Loan /ˈsʌb sɪˌdaɪz//loʊn/ | |
Refinanciar | To refinance | To refinance /ˌri fɪˈnæns, riˈfaɪ næns/ | |
Paxina web para axudar na pronuncia fonetica/ Webpage to help with the phonetic pronunciation:
Aínda que di que é o inglés americano; inglés británico, irlandes e australiano teñen os mesmos sons, pero a palabra podese pronunciar distinto dependendo do pais.
Although it states it is American English; British, Irish, and Australian English have the same sounds, however the word can be pronounced differently depending on the country.